





Page 10 - 期貨和衍生品行業監管動態(2024年6月刊)
P. 10


                         ? 交易所 Exchange............................................................................................................ 55

                             4. 大連商品交易所關于修改《大連商品交易所結算管理辦法》《大連商品交易所

                        交割管理辦法》和相關品種期貨業務細則的公告(2024 年 5 月 30 日)......................55

                             Announcement of Dalian Commodity Exchange on Amending the Measures for

                        Clearing Management of Dalian Commodity Exchange, the Measures for Delivery

                        Management of Dalian Commodity Exchange and Detailed Rules for Relevant Futures

                        Products (2024/5/30).............................................................................................................. 55

                             5. 鄭州商品交易所關于發布《鄭州商品交易所“保險+期貨”業務管理辦法(試行)》

                        的公告(2024 年 5 月 31 日).............................................................................................. 55

                             Announcement of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange on Releasing the Measures

                        for “Insurance + Futures” Business Management of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange

                        (for Trial Implementation) (2024/5/31)................................................................................. 55

                             6. 鄭州商品交易所關于開展 2024 年“保險+期貨”試點工作的通知(2024 年 5 月

                        31 日).....................................................................................................................................55

                             Notice of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange on the 2024 Pilot Programs of

                        “Insurance + Futures” (2024/5/31).......................................................................................55

                             7. 鄭州商品交易所關于發布《鄭州商品交易所花生期貨合約及業務規則》修訂案

                        的公告(2024 年 5 月 31 日).............................................................................................. 56

                             Announcement   of  Zhengzhou    Commodity   Exchange   on   Releasing  the

                        Amendments to the Detailed Rules and Contract Specifications for Peanut Kernel

                        Futures (2024/5/31).................................................................................................................56

                             8. 大連商品交易所發布《服務實體經濟白皮書(2023)》(2024 年 6 月 4 日). 56

                             Dalian Commodity Exchange Releases the White Paper on Serving the Real

                        Economy (2023) (2024/6/4).................................................................................................... 56

                             9. 大連商品交易所關于 2024 年 5 月異常和違規交易行為查處情況的通告(2024

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