





Page 39 - 期貨和衍生品行業監管動態(2024年6月刊)
P. 39


                       ?   收集、存儲、處理人工智能系統所需的大量數據帶來的隱私和安全問題。


                   合規性以及為公司提供投資建議和投資組合管理提供支持,受到 MiFID II 的規



                        ESMA 和各成員國監管機構(NCAs)將繼續監控人工智能在投資服務中的


                   ESMA Provides Guidance to Firms Using Artificial Intelligence in Investment

                   Services (2024/5/30)

                        The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial

                   markets regulator and supervisor, today issued a Statement providing initial guidance

                   to firms using Artificial Intelligence technologies (AI) when they provide investment

                   services to retail clients.

                        When using AI, ESMA expects firms to comply with relevant MiFID II

                   requirements, particularly when it comes to organisational aspects, conduct of

                   business, and their regulatory obligation to act in the best interest of the client.

                        Although AI technologies offer potential benefits to firms and clients, they also

                   pose inherent risks, such as:

                       ?   Algorithmic biases and data quality issues;

                       ?   Opaque decision-making by a firm’s staff members;

                       ?   Overreliance on AI by both firms and clients for decision-making; and

                       ?   Privacy and security concerns linked to the collection, storage, and

                           processing of the large amount of data needed by AI systems.

                        Potential uses of AI by investment firm which would be covered by requirements

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