





Page 31 - 期貨和衍生品行業監管動態(2024年7月刊)
P. 31


                   defendants raised funds by selling products that were purportedly backed by digital

                   assets related to carbon offsets. But instead of actually obtaining the promised

                   collateral, the defendants transferred much of the funds to earlier investors in their

                   other fund to allow them to avoid losses. According to the order, this resulted in a

                   shortfall of more than $20 million for the carbon offset program participants. The

                   order describes this series of events as “a classic Ponzi move.”

                        In addition to committing fraud, the order also finds the defendants failed to

                   register with the CFTC as commodity pool operators.

                        Additionally, the order finds not only are Bitcoin and Ethereum commodities

                   within the CFTC’s jurisdiction, but also “OHM and Klima, two non-Bitcoin virtual

                   currencies ... qualify as commodities,” noting those virtual currencies fall into the

                   same general class as Bitcoin, on which there is regulated futures trading.

                        The CFTC cautions that orders requiring repayment of funds to victims may not

                   always result in the recovery of lost money because the wrongdoers may not have

                   sufficient funds or assets


                   8.  美國期貨業協會要求加州某公司及主要負責人退出協會及負責人職位并在

                   30 個月內不得重新申請(2024 年 7 月 8 日)

                        美國期貨業協會(NFA)于 7 月 8 日向位于加州的 NFA 會員、商品交易顧

                   問 Rimar Capital LLC (簡稱 Rimar Capital)及其業務人員(AP)兼負責人 Itai Royi

                   Liptz(簡稱 Liptz)作出決定,要求其終止在 NFA 的會員資格及負責人身份,并

                   在未來的 30 個月內不得重新申請。若 Rimar Capital 或 Liptz 在 30 個月的期限過

                   后希望恢復其在 NFA 的會員資格或負責人身份,他們將需要支付 90,000 美元的


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