





Page 19 - 期貨和衍生品行業監管動態(2024年8月刊)
P. 19


                   3.  美國商品期貨交易委員會批準關于允許美國介紹經紀商直接接入經注冊的

                   境外交易場所提交客戶訂單的最終規則(2024 年 7 月 29 日)

                        美國商品期貨交易委員會(CFTC)宣布批準了對 CFTC 聯邦法規第 48 部分

                   的最終修訂規則。根據新規則,在 CFTC 注冊的外國交易場所(FBOT)可以向

                   位于美國并在 CFTC 注冊的介紹經紀商(IB)提供直接接入其電子交易和訂單匹


                   則還為外國交易場所建立了申請撤銷其注冊的程序,并刪除了第 48 部分中某些


                   30 天后生效。

                   CFTC Approves Final Rule Allowing U.S. Introducing Brokers Direct Access to

                   Registered Foreign Boards of Trade for the Submission of Customer Orders


                        The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today announced it approved final

                   rules amending Part 48 of its regulations. The final rules permit a foreign board of

                   trade (FBOT), registered with the CFTC, to provide direct access to its electronic
                   trading and order matching system to an introducing broker (IB), located in the United

                   States and registered with the CFTC, for the submission of customer orders to the

                   FBOT’s trading system for execution. The final rules also establish a procedure for an

                   FBOT to request revocation of its registration and remove certain outdated references

                   to “existing no-action relief” in Part 48. The final rules are effective 30 days from the

                   date of publication in the Federal Register.


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