





Page 11 - 期貨和衍生品行業監管動態(2024年7月刊)
P. 11


                        of Abnormal Trading Behaviors and Violations for June 2024 (2024/7/2)...................... 45

                            14. 上海國際能源交易中心關于 2024 年 6 月查處違法違規行為情況的公告(2024

                        年 7 月 2 日)......................................................................................................................... 45

                            Announcement of Shanghai International Energy Exchange on Investigation and

                        Penalties for Violations of Relevant Rules and Regulations for June 2024 (2024/7/2)...45

                            15. 上海期貨交易所關于 2024 年 6 月查處違法違規行為情況的公告(2024 年 7 月

                        2 日)...................................................................................................................................... 45

                            Announcement of Shanghai Futures Exchange on Investigation and Penalties for

                        Violations of Relevant Rules and Regulations for June 2024 (2024/7/2)......................... 45

                            16. 上海期貨交易所關于就修訂《上海期貨交易所異常交易行為管理辦法》公開

                        征求意見的公告(2024 年 7 月 4 日)................................................................................46

                            Announcement of Shanghai Futures Exchange on Requesting Public Comments

                        on the Revisions to Administration of Abnormal Trading Behaviors Rules of the

                        Shanghai Futures Exchange (2024/7/4)...............................................................................46

                            17. 上海國際能源交易中心關于就修訂《上海國際能源交易中心異常交易行為管

                        理細則》公開征求意見的公告(2024 年 7 月 4 日)........................................................46

                            Announcement of Shanghai International Energy Exchange on Requesting Public

                        Comments on the Revisions to Administration of Abnormal Trading Behaviors Rules of

                        Shanghai International Energy Exchange (2024/7/4).........................................................46

                            18. 鄭州商品交易所 2024 年 6 月自律監管統計信息(2024 年 7 月 4 日)..........46

                            Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange Issues Self-regulatory Statistics for June 2024

                        (2024/7/4)................................................................................................................................ 46

                            19. 廣州期貨交易所關于 2024 年 6 月異常和違規交易行為查處情況的通告(2024

                        年 7 月 4 日)......................................................................................................................... 46

                            Announcement of Guangzhou Futures Exchange on the Investigation and

                        Penalties of Abnormal Trading Behaviors and Violations for June 2024 (2024/7/4)......47

                            20. 鄭州商品交易所關于瓶片期貨合約及業務細則征求意見的公告(2024 年 7 月

                        11 日).....................................................................................................................................47

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