





Page 56 - 期貨和衍生品行業監管動態(2024年6月刊)
P. 56


                   Anita Fung Yee Maria in British Columbia, Canada (2024/6/5)

                        The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has obtained preservation orders

                   against Ms Leung Anita Fung Yee Maria, former chief executive officer and executive

                   director of SMI Culture & Travel Group Holdings Limited (SMI Culture & Travel

                   Group), with the assistance of the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC)

                   of Canada. The preservations orders restrain Leung and certain banks where she holds

                   accounts from disposing of and transmitting assets and properties she holds in British

                   Columbia, Canada.

                        On 17 May 2024, the BCSC issued the preservation orders at the request of the

                   SFC made pursuant to the International Organization of Securities Commissions

                   Enhanced Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Consultation and

                   Cooperation and the Exchange of Information (IOSCO EMMoU). Both the SFC and

                   the BCSC are signatories to the IOSCO EMMoU. The preservation orders against

                   Leung will remain in effect until the BCSC issues a further order to vary or revoke


                        This came after the SFC obtained an interim injunction order at the Court of First

                   Instance of Hong Kong on 6 May 2024 against Leung. The injunction order prohibits
                   her from, among other things, disposing of or diminishing the value of any of her

                   assets, whether within or outside Hong Kong, up to the value of $235,363,373 (Note

                   3). The injunction order will remain in place until the final determination of the

                   proceedings against Leung in Hong Kong.

                        The SFC’s Executive Director of Enforcement, Mr Christopher Wilson, said:

                   “The IOSCO multilateral enforcement cooperation framework provides a potent

                   mechanism for regulators to cooperate to prevent evasion of legal liability. In this case,

                   the preservation orders amply demonstrate the importance of close cooperation among

                   regulators to safeguarding the integrity of markets, protecting investors and

                   combating misconduct and fraud in today’s interconnected global financial markets.”

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