





Page 22 - 期貨和衍生品行業監管動態(2024年9月刊)
P. 22


                        The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today issued an order filing and

                   settling charges against Nasdaq Futures, Inc., formerly a designated contract market

                   (DCM). The order finds Nasdaq Futures, Inc. failed to properly establish, monitor, or

                   enforce rules related to an incentive program Nasdaq Futures, Inc. offered to certain

                   traders on its DCM. The order also finds Nasdaq Futures, Inc. did not fully disclose

                   this incentive program’s details to the CFTC or the public consistent with the

                   requirements of the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and Commission Regulations.

                   In addition, the order finds Nasdaq Futures, Inc. made false and misleading statements

                   to the CFTC regarding the incentive program. The order requires Nasdaq Futures, Inc.

                   to pay a $22 million civil monetary penalty.

                        “The CFTC’s oversight regime depends upon CFTC-designated exchanges

                   providing the CFTC and market participants accurate information,” said CFTC

                   Director of Enforcement Ian McGinley. “Nasdaq Futures, Inc.’s conduct here

                   represents significant violations of both its duty to provide such information and

                   several statutory Core Principles applicable to CFTC-designated exchanges.”

                        Case Background

                        The order finds from July 2015 through July 2018, Nasdaq Futures, Inc. operated
                   as a DCM focused on energy commodity futures contracts. Nasdaq Futures, Inc.

                   offered various incentive programs to certain traders on its contract market, including

                   its “Designated Market Maker” (DMM) program. The DMM program, as disclosed to

                   the CFTC and the public, paid a fixed monthly stipend to market makers. However,

                   Nasdaq Futures, Inc. also made payments to a select number of DMM program

                   participants that were based on the total volume of contracts those participants traded;

                   this volume-based component was not disclosed to the CFTC, as required by the CEA

                   and associated regulations. In fact, Nasdaq Futures, Inc.’s rule submissions to the

                   CFTC regarding its incentive programs omitted or explicitly denied the existence of a

                   volume-based incentive as part of the DMM program. In addition, when interviewed

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