





Page 23 - 期貨和衍生品行業監管動態(2024年9月刊)
P. 23


                   by CFTC staff about whether Nasdaq Futures, Inc. paid DMM program participants

                   for trade volume, its employees repeatedly stated there was no volume-based

                   component to the DMM program. Nasdaq Futures, Inc. reasonably should have

                   known all such denials, statements, and omissions were false and misleading at the


                        Further, Nasdaq Futures, Inc.’s failure to disclose this volume-based component

                   of the DMM program to the CFTC, the public, its own compliance staff, and

                   regulatory service provider led to the violation of several DCM Core Principles

                   mandated in the CEA. Finally, Nasdaq Futures, Inc. did not follow its regulatory

                   service provider’s recommendation to contact three DMM program participants about

                   certain trading activity or document why it did not, in violation of a CFTC


                        The CFTC appreciates the assistance of the National Futures Association.


                   6.  美國證券交易委員會指控經紀交易商 Nationwide Planning 及其兩家關聯投

                   資顧問違反吹哨人保護規則(2024 年 9 月 4 日)


                   解。這三家公司包括 SEC 注冊的經紀交易商 Nationwide Planning Associates, Inc.、

                   投資顧問 NPA Asset Management, LLC 和投資顧問 Blue Point Strategic Wealth

                   Management, LLC,指控他們阻礙經紀客戶和咨詢客戶向 SEC 報告他們違反證券

                   法的行為。三家公司同意支付總計 24 萬美元的民事罰款以就上述指控達成和解。

                        根據 SEC 的命令,021 年 5 月至 2024 年 2 月,Nationwide、NPA 和 Blue Point
                   共同要求 11 名零售客戶簽署保密協議,協議涉及其向客戶投資賬戶支付的款項。


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