





Page 14 - 期貨和衍生品行業監管動態(2024年5月)
P. 14



                   步明確了屬于《美國商品交易法》(CEA)第 5c(c)(5)(C)條范圍內并且違反了公

                   共利益的事件合約類型。CFTC 最近注意到,在 CFTC 注冊交易所上市交易的事

                   件合約的數量和種類有所增加。此外,CFTC 最近還收到了一些實體的交易所注


                        鑒于這些發展,CFTC 建議修改 CFTC 聯邦法規 40.11,進一步明確屬于 CEA

                   第 5c(c)(5)(C)條范圍內并違反公共利益的事件合約類型。該草案包括確定涉及

                   CEA 第 5c(c)(5)(C)條中列舉的活動(賭博、戰爭、恐怖主義、暗殺以及違反任何

                   聯邦或州法律的活動)的事件合約違反公共利益,因此不得在 CFTC 注冊實體上





                   CFTC Issues Proposal on Event Contracts (2024/5/10)

                   Proposal Also Defines Event Contracts Involving Political Contests as Gaming

                        The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today issued a Notice of Proposed
                   Rulemaking to further specify types of event contracts that fall within the scope of

                   Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) section 5c(c)(5)(C) and are contrary to the public

                   interest. The Commission has recently observed an increase in the number and variety

                   of event contracts listed for trading by CFTC-registered exchanges. In addition, the

                   Commission has recently received applications for exchange registration, and

                   expressions of interest regarding registration, from entities indicating that they are

                   interested in listing event contracts for trading.

                        In light of these developments, the Commission proposes to amend CFTC

                   regulation 40.11 to further specify types of event contracts that fall within the scope of

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