





Page 26 - 期貨和衍生品行業監管動態(2024年6月刊)
P. 26


                   as a legal entity separate from himself.

                        As alleged in the complaint, when trading profits failed to materialize, the

                   defendants attempted to conceal their fraudulent scheme by issuing false account

                   documents to pool participants, including creating false account statements to

                   convince pool participants that the fund remained solvent, and later, creating false

                   trade confirmations to wrongfully explain Three Bridges’ loss of pool participants’


                        As further alleged in the complaint, Three Bridges and Rodgers acted as a

                   commodity pool operator (CPO) by soliciting, accepting, and receiving funds to trade

                   in commodity futures, but Three Bridges failed to register with the CFTC as a CPO,

                   as required. Additionally, Rodgers, as an agent of Three Bridges, acted as an

                   Associated Person (AP) of the CPO, but failed to register with the CFTC as an AP, as



                   6.  美國商品期貨交易委員會永久撤銷密西西比州一位商品交易顧問及業務人

                   員的注冊(2024 年 6 月 13 日)

                        2024 年 6 月 13 日,美國商品期貨交易委員會(CFTC)發布意見和命令,

                   撤銷密西西比州杰克遜市的 Ted Brent Alexander 的注冊資格。CFTC 于 2024 年 3

                   月 13 日根據《美國商品交易法》(CEA)第 8a(2)節對 Alexander 發出了撤銷

                   注冊意向通知?!菊垍㈤?CFTC 新聞稿 8876-24 號】。 CFTC 的行動基于 Alexander



                        Alexander 自 2008 年 10 月起注冊為商品交易顧問(CTA)和業務人員(AP)。

                   2023 年 4 月 26 日,Alexander 在美國政府訴 Alexander 案(No. 3:20-cr-00031,

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