





Page 34 - 期貨和衍生品行業監管動態(2024年9月刊)
P. 34


                        “To help reduce the chance of retail customer harm, Reg BI requires

                   broker-dealers to establish, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures

                   reasonably designed to achieve compliance with Reg BI as a whole,” said Osman

                   Nawaz, Chief of the SEC Enforcement Division’s Complex Financial Instruments

                   Unit. “This action underscores that broker-dealers must ensure appropriate

                   compliance around complex financial products and that it is not enough to simply

                   have written policies; firms must also enforce them.”

                        The SEC’s order finds that First Horizon violated Reg BI’s Compliance

                   Obligation. Without admitting or denying the SEC’s findings, First Horizon agreed to

                   a cease-and-desist order, a censure, and the above-mentioned civil penalty.


                   12. 美國期貨業協會禁止佛羅里達公司 Trinity Trading Group LLC 及其負責人

                   重新申請成為其會員以及擔任負責人職務(2024 年 9 月 19 日)


                   商品交易顧問、前 NFA 會員外匯公司 Trinity Trading Group LLC(Trinity Trading)

                   重新成為 NFA 會員或擔任 NFA 會員的負責人。NFA 還宣布禁止前 NFA 非正式

                   會員、Trinity Trading 前負責人 Bruce R. Schock(Schock)申請成為 NFA 會員資

                   格或重新申請成為 NFA 非正式會員,或以 NFA 會員的負責人身份行事。

                        該決定由 NFA 的商業行為委員會(BCC)根據其控告書和 Trinity Trading

                   與 Schock 提交的和解申請作出,Trinity Trading 與 Schock 對控告書中的指控既


                        商業行為委員會指控 Trinity Trading 未能按照要求創建和維護記錄,未能向

                   基金參與者發送披露文件和賬單,并混同了基金資產,違反了《NFA 合規規則》

                   第 2-13(a)條;允許未注冊人員在沒有成為 NFA 非正式會員的情況下作為關聯

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