





Page 35 - 期貨和衍生品行業監管動態(2024年9月刊)
P. 35


                   人行事,違反了 NFA 章程第 301(b)條;還指控 Trinity Trading 和 Schock 在與

                   Trinity Trading 投資者的交易中未能遵守商業信譽的高標準和公正公平的交易原

                   則,違反了《NFA 合規規則》第 2-4 條;未能遵守 NFA 的宣傳材料要求,違反

                   了通過《NFA 合規規則》第 2-39(a)條引入的《NFA 合規規則》第 2-36(g)

                   條。最后,控告書指控 Trinity Trading 和 Schock 未能履行管理職責,違反了通過

                   《NFA 合規規則》第 2-39(a)條引入的《NFA 合規規則》第 2-36(e)條。

                        在其決定中,商業行為委員會認定 Trinity Trading 和 Schock 確實構成了控告


                   NFA Orders Florida Firm Trinity Trading Group LLC and Its Principal Not to

                   Reapply for NFA Membership and Principal Status (2024/9/19)

                        NFA has ordered Trinity Trading Group LLC (Trinity Trading), a commodity

                   pool operator and commodity trading advisor and former NFA Member forex firm

                   located in Orlando, Florida, not to reapply for NFA membership or act or be listed as a

                   principal of an NFA Member. NFA has also ordered Bruce R. Schock (Schock), a

                   former NFA Associate and prior principal of Trinity Trading, not to apply for NFA

                   membership, or reapply for NFA associate membership, or act or be listed as a

                   principal of an NFA Member.

                        The Decision, issued by NFA’s Business Conduct Committee (BCC), is based on

                   a Complaint issued by the BCC and a settlement offer submitted by Trinity Trading

                   and Schock, in which they neither admitted nor denied the allegations in the


                        Among other charges, the BCC’s Complaint alleged Trinity Trading failed to

                   create and maintain required records, failed to distribute disclosure documents and

                   account statements to pool participants, and commingled pool assets, in violation of

                   NFA Compliance Rule 2-13(a); and permitted unregistered individuals to act as

                   associated persons without being NFA Associates, in violation of NFA Bylaw 301(b).

                   The Complaint further alleged Trinity Trading and Schock failed to observe high

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