





Page 38 - 期貨和衍生品行業(yè)監(jiān)管動態(tài)(2024年9月刊)
P. 38


                   decarbonization efforts. Leveraging the CFTC’s personnel and expertise demonstrates

                   our commitment to taking a thoughtful and deliberate step toward building a financial

                   system that provides effective tools in achieving emission reductions.”

                        The CFTC’s guidance recognizes that outlining factors for a DCM to consider in

                   connection with the contract design and listing process may help to advance the

                   standardization of voluntary carbon credit derivative contracts in a manner that fosters

                   transparency and liquidity. The guidance reflects insight the CFTC gained from public

                   comment on the proposed guidance and marks the culmination of over five years of

                   collaboration with a diverse group of market participants. These include agricultural

                   stakeholders, ranchers, foresters, landowners, commercial end users, energy market

                   stakeholders, emission-trading focused entities, CFTC-registered exchanges and

                   clearinghouses, carbon-credit rating agencies, crediting programs, public interest

                   groups, academics, and others key stakeholders in the voluntary carbon market.


                   14. 紐約居民因進行外匯和數(shù)字資產(chǎn)欺詐被聯(lián)邦法院命令支付超過 3600 萬美元

                   (2024 年 9 月 20 日)




                   院法官 Vince Chhabria 于 9 月 19 日發(fā)布命令,要求紐約居民、前舊金山居民

                   William Koo Ichioka 支付超過 3600 萬美元的賠償金。根據(jù)該命令,Ichioka 需要

                   為他的外匯和數(shù)字資產(chǎn)欺詐計劃向受欺詐的受害者支付 3100 萬美元的賠償,并

                   支付 500 萬美元的民事罰款。

                        2023 年 8 月 14 日,法院發(fā)布了對 Ichioka 的永久禁令的初步同意令,禁止

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