





Page 32 - 期貨和衍生品行業監管動態(2024年7月刊)
P. 32


                        該決定由 NFA 商業行為委員會(BBC)作出,基于該委員會提出的控告書

                   及 Rimar Capital 與 Itai Royi Liptz 提交的和解申請。在這份和解申請中,Rimar

                   Capital 與 Itai Royi Liptz 對于被指控的行為既未承認也未予以否認。

                        NFA 商業行為委員會在該決定中指出,Rimar Capital 及負責人 Liptz 未能恪



                   其業務運作及員工行為。此外,商業行為委員會還查明 Rimar Capital 縱容一名


                        上述控告書和決定內容的全文可在 NFA 官方網站查閱。

                   NFA Orders California Firm Rimar Capital LLC and Its Principal Itai Royi

                   Liptz to Withdraw from NFA Membership and Principal Status and Not

                   Reapply for 30 Months (2024/7/8)

                        NFA has ordered Rimar Capital LLC (Rimar Capital), an NFA Member

                   commodity trading advisor located in Burlingame, California, and Itai Royi Liptz

                   (Liptz), an associated person (AP) and a principal of Rimar Capital and an NFA

                   Associate, to withdraw from and not reapply for NFA membership and principal
                   status for 30 months. If either Rimar Capital or Liptz seeks NFA membership or

                   principal status following the 30-month period, they must pay a $90,000 fine.

                        The Decision, issued by NFA’s Business Conduct Committee (BCC), is based on

                   a Complaint issued by the BCC and a settlement offer submitted by Rimar Capital and

                   Liptz, in which they neither admitted nor denied the allegations in the Complaint.

                        In its Decision, the BCC found that Rimar Capital and Liptz failed to observe

                   high standards of commercial honor and just and equitable principles of trade by

                   trading ahead of customer accounts, used deceptive and misleading communications

                   with potential customers, and failed to supervise its operations and employees. The

                   BCC also found that Rimar Capital allowed an individual to act as an AP without

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